SEX MOB @ Bimhuis

- Steven Bernstein-tumpet, slide trumpet, vocals, Briggan Krauss-saxophone, Tony Scherr-double bass, Kenny Wollesen-drum. It is not just Steven Bernstein's instrument, the slide trumpet, that is remarkable, the same counts for his sense of humor and open spirit. Songs from Nirvana, the Stones or James Brown, music composed for Bond movies, nothing is secure from the Sex Mob treatment. But underneath this 'serous fun' lies great ingenuity, skill and the capacity to improvise. Selline oli kirjeldus ja t2pselt selline oli ka kontsert. J6udsime kohale esimese seti l6puks ja naljakas oli vaadata kuidas poolele rahvast uni peale tikkus, aga sellel ei olnud midagi pistmist igavusega - lihtsalt h2mar koht ja meeleline meloodia ningh hiline tund.
