"Acting in the face of negative emotions: when we sit down on the sofa, we turn on the television (which is actually a way to “turn off” from the world). Or else we grow very anxious, feel we are wasting time, that we need to call someone, do gymnastics, tidy up the house. Why? Because if we stay quiet, all the wave of repressed emotions will assail us, depress us, leave us feeling sad or guilty. But the more we “keep busy” the more these emotions pile up, until one day we run the risk of seeing them explode out of control. " Issue n? 89: Timeshifting Laenatud suled, aga nii õigesti öeldud, et pidin üles märkima. Muideks, sama kehtib ka positiivsete tunnete kohta. Liiga tihti tuleb ette, et ei näita seda positiivset välja, sest äkki on vale aeg, koht või inimene. Mina olen nendest asjadest üle saanud - ei ole mul vaja endale valetada. Ja mis välja tuleb - see on super!

warrior of the light
