Täna on koolitust natuke juba saadud ja natuke veel saada. Vahepeal teen tööd ja blogin kah. 6htul uus katse ujuma.
Eilne 6htu kukkus imelikult välja. Ostsin koju kaasa jube head honey roasted mandlid, suurepärane maitseelamus koos valgete kivideta viinamarjadega, ja et sooja saada keerasin end diivanil hommikumantli sisse. Kuna Gilmore Girls 3. ja 4. season said pühapäeval läbi ja rohkem osasi mul kaasas ei olnud, panin käima viimase episoodi uuesti. Siis panin eelviimase episoodi ja nii ma neid kahte osa kella üheni öösel käiasin. Enamuse aega ma muidugi hoopis magasin, dialoog k6rvaklappides. Ja ärkasin täpselt ühe tantsu kohapeal ja ühe suudluse kohapeal. No ja vahepeal, et episood jälle käima panna. Ma ei tea, see ilmselt oli esimene koduigatsuse ilming.
Dialoog muidugi on selles seriaalis vastupandamatu:
Luke: [Luke is buying self-help books but doesn't want Andrew to see them] What are you doing?
Andrew: I have to ring them up.
Luke: I ' ll just tell you the prices. This one is... $24.99.
Andrew: That high?
Luke: They're your prices!
Andrew: Can I just see the book?
Luke: I'm reading you the book. It says right here.
[looks at the price again]
Luke: Oh, wait - that's the Canadian price. $14.99.
Andrew: Will you just let me scan the book?
Luke: When you scan the book, do you see the title?
Andrew: Yes.
Luke: Then no.
Andrew: Luke, come on! What do you got there, porn?
Luke: You sell porn?
Andrew: No!
Luke: You think I brought my own porn in here to buy?
Andrew: I don't know what you're doing. I just need to scan the books.
Luke: [hands Andrew some money] This should cover it.
Andrew: A hundred bucks? That's way too much!
Luke: Take it.
[he leaves, then comes back in]
Luke: Bag.
[Andrew hands him one, he leaves again]
Eilne 6htu kukkus imelikult välja. Ostsin koju kaasa jube head honey roasted mandlid, suurepärane maitseelamus koos valgete kivideta viinamarjadega, ja et sooja saada keerasin end diivanil hommikumantli sisse. Kuna Gilmore Girls 3. ja 4. season said pühapäeval läbi ja rohkem osasi mul kaasas ei olnud, panin käima viimase episoodi uuesti. Siis panin eelviimase episoodi ja nii ma neid kahte osa kella üheni öösel käiasin. Enamuse aega ma muidugi hoopis magasin, dialoog k6rvaklappides. Ja ärkasin täpselt ühe tantsu kohapeal ja ühe suudluse kohapeal. No ja vahepeal, et episood jälle käima panna. Ma ei tea, see ilmselt oli esimene koduigatsuse ilming.
Dialoog muidugi on selles seriaalis vastupandamatu:
Luke: [Luke is buying self-help books but doesn't want Andrew to see them] What are you doing?
Andrew: I have to ring them up.
Luke: I ' ll just tell you the prices. This one is... $24.99.
Andrew: That high?
Luke: They're your prices!
Andrew: Can I just see the book?
Luke: I'm reading you the book. It says right here.
[looks at the price again]
Luke: Oh, wait - that's the Canadian price. $14.99.
Andrew: Will you just let me scan the book?
Luke: When you scan the book, do you see the title?
Andrew: Yes.
Luke: Then no.
Andrew: Luke, come on! What do you got there, porn?
Luke: You sell porn?
Andrew: No!
Luke: You think I brought my own porn in here to buy?
Andrew: I don't know what you're doing. I just need to scan the books.
Luke: [hands Andrew some money] This should cover it.
Andrew: A hundred bucks? That's way too much!
Luke: Take it.
[he leaves, then comes back in]
Luke: Bag.
[Andrew hands him one, he leaves again]
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